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A comedy about paco, so fed up with his nagging and nitpicking wife dana that he comes up with an ingenious plan to end the unhappy union. Solteras michoacan encuentra solteras michoacan, mexico. Afraid to ask her for a divorce, he follows his best friends advice and hires the famous local don juan, puma to seduce her so he can get rid of her. Main leading roles are played by adrian suar, valeria bertuccelli and gabriel goity. Mujeres solteras en mexico, encuentra pareja gratis.

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A boyfriend for my wife is a blockbuster released in 2008 and it is an argentine romantic comedy directed by juan taratuto. Featuring an allstar mexican cast, the movie is comical but relies on some gender stereotypes. Watch on ios, android, apple tv, roku, and chromecast. Gerardo mendezcecilia suarezluis cinemexpelicula mexicanadescargar peliculados hijaspeliculas gratisen netflix.

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